Reading Resolutions 2017

I have been thinking about starting a blog quite a while, but I never found a good reason to do it and finally in 2017 here we are, in this, my first blog post ever. This blog will be mainly about books, the books I read, the books I want to read, the ones I love and the ones I don’t but I’m sure that from time to time other things that I love will show up. I  hope this will work out for everyone and that someone will enjoy reading about my  experience and is willing to spend time with me. I couldn’t think of a better way to inaugurate this project than sharing my goals for this year we are starting.

2016 was a great reading year for me, I haven’t been tracking my reading for a very long time but this year surpassed all my expectations.
So, without further a do let see what I want to achieve in 2017:

1. My Goodreads Challenge. I have been in goodreads for two years now and I want to set my challenge to somenthing that I know I can do so that I will not get stressed about it. I will set it for 50 books which I think is good number.

2. A Re-reading Goal. I’m not much of a rereader but in 2017 I plan to reread a Sherlock Holmes novel each month. I read them about ten years ago and I figured it was time to check them again.

3. A Non-Fiction Goal. 2016 was the year I found a love for non-fiction, I didn’t read much of it but I enjoyed it a lot so I want to continue this trend in 2017 by reading a non-fiction book every month.

I’m not setting up any specific TBR list because I’m terrible at following them because in the end I’m a mood reader and will pick whatever I feel like, but I wanted to give myself a few goals in the blogging category:

1. Blog. Update this blog once a week with review entry once a month. I hope to really really love at least a book every month and expect to review it. I will also be participating in the #Adoptaaunaautora iniciative in which a group of Spanish bloggers and vloggers have picked an author to share with the world. Mine is Elizabeth Gaskell and I’m very excited.

2. Instagram. Continue to post almost everyday and interacting more with other people on the site.

Anyway I don’t want to make this an eternal post because I don’t want to bore everyone on my very first day. Let’s all wish for a fantastic 2017 reading and otherwise.

I hope to see you around.

Happy Reading!